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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - stinkingadj.


Связанные словари


1) foul-smelling, smelly, fetid or foetid, mephitic, rank, noisome, malodorous, reeking, putrid, miasmal or miasmatic(al) or miasmic, rancid, gamy, Colloq Brit pongy, whiffy: They were kept in a stinking dungeon with little food for a month. 2) wretched, villainous, beastly, vile, contemptible, low, despicable, mean, nasty, disgusting, rotten, terrible, awful, Old-fashioned dastardly, Colloq lousy, Taboo slang shitty: Taking my clothes while I was swimming was a stinking thing to do. 3) drunken, drunk (as a lord or US also a skunk) , intoxicated, inebriated, (be) sotted, under the influence, over the limit, high, maudlin, tipsy, woozy, Colloq pie-eyed, loaded, in one's cups, under the weather, three sheets to the wind, Slang sozzled, soused (to the gills) , potted, plastered, smashed, bombed, pissed, boozed, boozy, tanked, stoned, canned, US in the bag: The last time I saw Bob, he was so stinking I had to pour him onto his train.
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